LadyBalance effective against Aerobic vaginitis

In a previous newsletter, we mentioned the concern whether the newly recognized vaginal disease Aerobic vaginitis can also be remedied  with LadyBalance vaginal tablets. Now we can happily say: Yes it can. Our users have confirmed that also for aerobic vaginitis, a large proportion of users report that the vaginal tablets help.

For bacterial vaginosis and Candida, we can clearly say that the harmful organisms cannot grow from lactose. We cannot apply the same argument to the newly recognized disease of aerobic vaginitis. It is caused by –between others - coliform bacteria, which as per definition can ferment lactose.

The user survey 2020 is therefore challenging: Do women with aerobic vaginitis experience an improvement - or does it go even worse? We now have the result available and can relax:  Lactose vaginal tablets are effective against aerobic vaginitis!

Of the 340 women who responded that they had a smelly discharge, 57 believed that their symptoms (see below) corresponded to aerobic vaginitis. They found that 85% had an improvement for discharge with rotten odor, 72% had an improvement over inflammation, burning, itching; 84% had an improvement over yellow or green discharge and 76% related to thick discharge. Problems with intercourse had improved for 52%. For 28% there was no difference and 21% answered do-not-know.

Self-diagnosis can be controversial. Therefore, the 10 women with confirmed diagnosis were analyzed separately. Their assessment of the effect of the LadyBalance vaginal tablet completely matches the responses of the entire group, except that in this group nobody had experienced worsening of the symptoms.

In conclusion, although the bacteria that cause aerobic vaginitis can actually convert lactose:  It works anyway. The explanation must lie in the strong effect of a healthy lactic acid bacterial biome: the surface covered by good bacteria, plenty of acid formed by the good bacteria, an immune system in fine condition stimulated by the good bacteria. Some lactic acid bacteria form bacteriocins which inhibit other bacteria. It can also be an effect.

LadyBalance is still unsurpassed to combat all non-infectious genital problems.

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Differences between bacterial vaginosis and aerobic vaginitis:


Bacterial vaginosis (BV)

Aerobic vaginitis (AV)

Reduced number of lactic acid bacteria



Dominant biome

Gardnerella vaginalis

Several others

E. coli, Staph. aureus, Streptocuccus, Enterococcus

Discharge smell




Significantly elevated


Red, burning, stinging
Discharge description

Gray, watery

Yellow, green, thick


Bleding and erosions

Burning and stinging in vagina

Dyspareunia (problematic intercourse)


Bacteria sensitive to


Clindamycin is more effective – but triggers resistency


Reference:  Donders et al.  (2017) Aerobic vaginitis: No longer a stranger. Research in Microbiology 168 845 - 858

Customer feedback: Why is LadyBalance not in every shop

Discussion about: Why is ladyBalance not in every shop Hi Inge Dorthe -   My daughter and I have now tried your lactose tablets and we think it works really well and are very happy. I wonder that "somebody" does not make sure that such a good product is on all shelves, but I assume it is our dear pharmaceutical industry that blocks the alternative choices. Too bad for Denmark I think!   Thank you so much for your invention and I wish you go wind with it!   Best regards nina

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