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It is well known that bacterial vaginosis (BV) may cause preterm birth and other pregnancy complications. Previous we have – without success- searched for knowledge about whether BV also has an impact on the ability to conceive. A limited Danish trial has now proven that in case of assisted fertilization (IVF) it is critical, if the woman suffers from BV.
The trial was conducted in two Danish fertility clinics. 130 women seeking IVF were tested for BV and vaginal microflora. 21% were diagnosed with BV according to classical criteria, while 29% had abnormal vaginal microflora. 84 went through assisted fertilization, and 29 (35%) got pregnant. Out of the 22 having abnormal microflora only 2 (9%) got pregnant. According to scientific criteria this proves, that BV prevents assisted fertilization success.
From this trial nothing can be concluded as to conception with natural methods. But there are good arguments to expect, that the same situation is actual also when you just want a baby. Another good reason to use LadyBalance.
Haahr et al. (2016): Abnominal vaginal microbiota may be associated with poor reproductive outcomes: A prespective study in IVF patients. Hum.Reprod.Advance Access 0(0) 1-9.